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Forum Team Burkhard Wittek, Andreas Walleter and co at a meeting

Our values

What makes us different

Our values reflect the personal values of the family we represent. As a family office, it is important for us to own company investments whose managers and co-partners share these values.
The most important are:

Openness. Reliability. Respect.

The values of our family office are strongly influenced by the family we represent. When selecting investments in companies, we always make sure that their managers and co-shareholders also identify with these values and live them in the companies.

The picture shows Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway and role model of Forum Family Office's values in private equity and value investing. The image centrally shows a headshot of an older gentleman with light gray hair. He wears square glasses with rounded black frames. He is dressed in a black suit, white shirt and a red tie with white dots on it.

Role model: Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffett

Our great role model is Berkshire Hathaway with the management duo Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. By consistently applying the above values, they have created a company that has generated one of the highest returns for its investors - almost 20% p.a.. Besides that, there are many other similarities: e.g. Berkshire also holds its private investments permanently and manages them completely decentralised.

That's why we go to Berkshire's AGM every year. The day before, we organise an event where many sellers and managers of our holdings as well as friends from our network attend, present their companies and exchange ideas.

"In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love."

- Warren Buffett

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