HSH Software

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HSH Software

HSH Software

Stephan HauberStephan Hauber
Stephan Hauber

Managing Director:


Stephan Hauber

Managing Director

Stephan Hauber

HSH Software is the market leader in the field of municipal software in Germany. With a turnover of approx. € 28 million and 250 employees, HSH has its strongest market shares in the area of registration/citizens' offices. With the VOIS platform, HSH has been offering a solution for several years that replaces the traditional "silo structure" in municipal administration with an integrated solution with common databases, a standardised user interface and easier administration. The main motive for the sale to FORUM was a succession solution that is designed for permanence and thus offers employees and customers a long-term perspective. In addition to his position as CEO at HSH, the founder Stefan Hauber is also chairman of the Databund, in which the private software manufacturers for the public sector bundle their interests. We hope that Mr. Hauber will continue to enjoy his work for many years to come and that he will remain with HSH and us!